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Suicide Prevention Training

We lose someone to suicide every 11 minutes (CDC). 




Thank you for your bravery to take a much needed training that gets overlooked until it touches your family. If suicide as affected your family—my condolences.

It takes brave people to take a suicide
prevention training.



QPR Institute

Certified by the QPR Institute. Gatekeepers of Hope is the term for when someone becomes trained to take action if there's a situation that deals with suicide. 


Virtual Training

Online options for trainings has allowed me to reach people across the world. My hope is that I will be able to train with convenience and flexibility to help more people!

Morning Meeting
Hope Gatekeepers Certificate -21.pdf.png


Certificate of Completion

Receive a certificate of completion after a 60-90 minute suicide prevention training.


Free Downloads

Hope Gatekeepers is dedicated to provided free resources to our communities. We've created dozens of free resources to ensure everyone has access to the tools needed to help a suicidal person. 

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sign up for SP Training

Suicide prevention classes are hosted monthly. To receive our calendar for next classes please enter your information below.

Thanks for submitting!

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