Everyday we train for something whether we are aware of it or not. Would you take a suicide prevention training if it meant saving a life? It's not for everyone—only the brave will try.
Let's See What Training You greatly Need
If you don't see a training that works for you . . .shoot me an email and we'll chat!
Suicide Prevention Training
As a certified Suicide Prevention Instructor, I have hosted in-person and virtual trainings for people around the world. You'll receive a certificate of completion that is certified by the QPR Institute. To learn more please click the button below.
Women's Mental Health
As a woman who is also a mother, I've seen the need over the last 4 years of training women about mental health. Who is this training for? Woman-owned businesses, corporate, women hosting conferences, and women who care about mental health. Get more information and let's see how we can work together!
Online Classes
If you want to become a gatekeeper of hope, learn healthy ways to cope with mental health challenges, or want to become proactive in mental health situations—our classes will support your journey.